New Brunswick has moved its Beverage Container Program to an EPR program effective April 1st , 2024. The big change is a full refund of the deposit you pay. All program containers will now pay a deposit of 10 cents at retail, and you will receive a full refund of 10 cents when you return your containers to a Redemption Centre in New Brunswick. On alcohol beverage glass containers over 500 ml the deposit is 20 cents and a 20 cents refund.
This will help to improve return rates as they have slipped in the past few years. Our Redemption Centre owners look forward to serving you in their communities and thank you for supporting their small business.
Another change in New Brunswick is the addition of other products to ERA member Redemption Centres. Products such as glass pickle, jam, salsa bottles, Styrofoam, flexible plastics and cardboard generated from beverage containers can now be dropped off to most member locations.
There is no deposit paid on these products thus there is no refund. The good news is you can help the New Brunswick environment by dropping these products off when you return your beverage containers. See the guidelines noted below: